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Simon Ramondenc

PhD student at Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV)

I am PhD student at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche  (LOV) since October 2014. I work on gelatinous zooplankton (mainly jellyfish), with a focus on their contribution to the biological pump.


Anecdote ...

Since secondary school, I wanted to study the oceans. Indeed, during Life and Earth Sciences lectures, when I was watching maps of our planet, I realized that oceans and seas are covering a large part of the Earth. This universe, so particular and yet unknown to me has fueled my curiosity : how are currents and eddies formed ? Which are the animals envolved in marine ecosystems and how do they adapt  to changing environmental conditions ?


Motivation ...

For me, sharing our knowledge with the general public, and particularly in schools is something important today. It is our duty to help young people to understand the importance and the role of oceans on our planet, and their sensitivity to external pressures, whether they are natural or anthropogenic.


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