mon océan & moi

“mon océan & moi” meeting students from the middle - school Paul Arène

“mon océan & moi” meeting students from the middle-school Paul Arène “mon océan & moi” meeting students from the middle-school Paul Arène

On April 18th 2014, just before leaving for Easter holidays, students from the middle-school Paul Arène (Peymeinade – France) welcomed Martina, Raphaëlle, Nicolas and Orens. A presentation on plankton and its role in the marine ecosystem introduced basic knowledge in biological oceanography.

Afterwards students and speakers discussed a wide range of topics, and more specifically the role of humankind and its impact on nature. At this occasion, hands-on experiences on ocean color and chlorophyll fluorescence were carried out in order to raise students awareness on scientific approaches.
On May 06th 2014, during our next visit, roles will be inversed and the students will present their work!
The “mon ocean & moi” team would particularly like to thank the students and the “eco-delegates” as well as Mrs. C. LE ROLLE and Mrs. C. DENIZART for their warm welcome!



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