mon océan & moi

Marin Cornec

PhD student at Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV)

I am a Phd student at the LOV, in the OMTAB team (Optique Marine et Télédétection Appliquées à la Biogéochimie). I study the development of phytoplankton in the deep layers of the ocean, from measurements of profiling Biogeochemical Argo floats. Knowing the ecology of those microorganisms allow us to better understand their involvement and importance in the global ecosystem of our planet.


Anecdote ...

When I was 10, I read about spermwhales holding their breath for an hour to dive in the abyss to hunt giant squids, and I was imaginating doing the same when I was snorkling at the pool. This fascination for the curiosities inside the seas finally le    ad me to study oceanography. The following years of Master studies have been enriching in encounters with specialists from various thematics (biology, physics, economy, climate,…), and practices on the field (what a chance to work the foots in the water) !


Motivation ...

Another important message of this formation : outreach ! A good researcher is also a researcher who can explain his work to a non scientific public. The contribution to this project is a chance to exchange with younger generations on their view of the actual science, and the opportunity to share my curiosity of the oceans, which are as exciting and fragile.


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