mon océan & moi

The OOV offers two learning paths dedicated to the ocean

The project MEDITES (Méditerranée Diffusion des Techniques et des Sciences), was designed to increase over the years, in terms of learnig paths (10 sessions of 2 hours per path) and the number of classes involved in the project.

On Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th February 2015, the Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche/OOV received about thirty middle and high school teachers from the vicinity of Nice. The « mon océan & moi » team offered a training course covering a wide range of topics such as the observation of the seas and oceans, acidification and plankton.

38 classes run the completion of the second phase of the MEDITES project, in Nice

The MEDITES project (Méditerranée Diffusion des Techniques et des Sciences 2014/2014), labelled “Investissements d’Avenir”, consists in bringing scientific culture to young people of the Alpes Maritimes and the Var departements, in France.

Be creative, share your work in class and stage the environmental changes that are affecting our oceans!

« mon océan & moi » invites school classes/groups to share their work on a theme related to the ocean by writing and acting a shadow play as well as producing a video of the show. This video will allow them to take part in the in the contest.

Qikiqtarjuaq is a small Inuit village, lying 100 km North of the Arctic Polar Circle, in the Nunavut territory (Canada). During 5 months, this village of 470 inhabitants accommodated more than 50 scientists from around the world. The main objective of the Greenedge project is to understand the functioning of the Arctic ecosystem.

On April 18th 2014, just before leaving for Easter holidays, students from the middle-school Paul Arène (Peymeinade – France) welcomed Martina, Raphaëlle, Nicolas and Orens. A presentation on plankton and its role in the marine ecosystem introduced basic knowledge in biological oceanography.

La journée "adopt a float : les collégiens présentent leurs travaux" a eu lieu vendredi 20 juin dans les locaux de l'Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer (UMR CNRS-UPMC).

On the 6th of May 2014 Raphaëlle, Martina and Orens returned to Peymeinade (Alpes Maritimes) as spectators of the workshops prepared and led by the eco-delegates of the “Collège Paul Arène”.

Students presented various scientific topics from photosynthesis to water pollution through ocean acidification and much more. They carried on and exposed experiments in physics, chemistry and plant physiology very clearly and successfully.

Among the sessions that form the OCEAN : OBSERVATION AND DISCOVERY learning pathway (see the poster),proposed in the classes involved in the MEDITES project, the most appreciated ones were the following: "Buoyancy", "Ocean Properties" and "Robotic Observation of the Oceans".

Le mercredi 18 février 2015, s'est tenue à Nice dans les locaux de la Direction des services départementaux de l'Education Nationale des Alpes-Maritimes (DSDEN 06) à Nice, la signature de nombreuses conventions de partenariat entre la DSDEN 06 et des établissements universitaires et de recherches azuréens pour l'Accompagnement en sciences et en technologies à l'école primaire (ASTEP).

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